Long before Don Draper’s name became synonymous with ad campaigns and three martini lunches, my family’s genetic code pre-disposed us to a creative field or law. My DNA lead me into advertising.
A few years back – and I’m taking liberty with the word few – I started in the ad biz as a writer. I wrote some great print and radio copy, won some awards, got promoted. I was writing retail copy as my day job and some whoppingly dull technical stuff for fun. (OK..for profit.) Let’s face it, there are only so many ways to write fabulous copy about cosmetics, underwear and extruding machines.

In college, I worked for a small T-shirt company. In addition to screen printing T’s, I wrote and produced spots. I learned that in negotiating the media time and space, I was really good at bending people to my will with sound logic and research. I also learned when to walk away from the table. That’s why when the offer came to leave my copywriting day job for a media buying position, I shoved myself away from the table.

Over the past 30+ years, I’ve planned and purchased media for the agency side, as well as the client side, giving me a unique perspective of what does and doesn’t work in those relationships. What it comes down to is: honesty and integrity, mutual respect, great communication skills, treating the budgets as they were my own. If I wouldn’t do it with my money, I don’t do it with anyone else’s money. Ever.
Throughout the past 30+ years, I’ve learned a ton from some very talented people. Whether they have shared new ideas, made me question things or pissed me off, they have each added to the skills I possess. When Aldrich Media Group opened for business in 2000, when I taught a senior level media class at Grand Valley State University, when I plan, consult or fiercely negotiate on behalf of my clients, I stand on the shoulders of those fine folks.
I’m Lee Aldrich. Media strategist and buyer – your pit bull with lipstick. Oh…and the little guy next to me…that’s Oscar. Office-mate extraordinaire.